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Mercurius politicus, Number 364, 28th May-4th June 1657 E.503[12]

away all manner of ships that are bound hither to this City.
This may be a cause; that the forces appointed for Dalmatia
art to be put upon an other design. The Turks sent more
forces to the Foot Mauraple. They raise 3 other Forts about
Culaff, and about the Sea Calami. The Grecians in all the
Islands of the A chipligo shake off the Turkish yoak.
Advertisement of Books newly Printed.
There is newly printed and published, that excellently learned Book of
Philosophy, [unr] of Plutarch, Transland by [unr]man
Holland, Or of Ph[unr] revired and corrected. Sold by J. Kirton,
A. Roper, G. Bedel and [unr] Sawbridge, at their ships in St. Pauls Churchyard,
Flee street, and Ludgate-hil.
The Fountain opened, and the Were of Life flowing forth, for the refreshing
of thirsty sinners; wherein is Christs earnest and gracious invitation
of poor sinners to [unr] Waters. By Mr Obadiah Sedgwick, Sold by
Adoniram By field at the Bible in Popes head Alley.
The Grand Inquiry who is the Righteous Men Or the Character of a true Believer
in his approaches towards Heaven. By William Moor, Rector at Whalley
in Lanceshire.
The Just Mans defence; or, the Declaration of the Judgement of Jomes Arminius,
Doctor and Professor of Divinity in the University of Leyden, Concerning
the principal points of Religion, before the States of Holland and Westfeiezland,
Translated by Tobias Conyers, sometimes of Peter house in Cambridge.
Both sold by Hemy Eversden, at the Greybound in Pauls Churchyard.
The Universal Body of Physick in five Boorks; comprehending the several
Treatises of Nature, of Diseases, and their causes, of Symptames, of the
preservation of Health, and of Cures. Written in Latine by the famous and
learned Dr Laz. Rivetius, Counsellor and Physician to the present King of
France, and Professor in the University of Montpelier. Exactly translated into
English by William Carr, Practi[unr] in Physick. Sold by Henry Eversden at the
Greyhound and Philip Briggs at the Dolphin in Pouls Church yard.
From Madrid, 7 May.
The Nobility and Gentry accompanieth his Catholick
Majesty, who is gone from this City; but Salva Tirea and
Civil, stayd behind. They took two plsvrd in Portugal, to
wit, Valencz, and Ucana, Alba is upon aparley.
From Long[unr], May 19.
The Spanish are strong in Catalonia besiege Urgel. The
French forces have their rendezvous at Belver, for to relieve
Urgel. The States will not be gone from hence, before they
be delivered from the Soldier it. They have promised to give
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