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Mercurius politicus, Number 14, 5th-12th September 1650 E.612[14]

which place he was at the Queene's charges; Hee gave his
Message in the Portugall Language, and caused the same to be
interpreted to the Queene in the French tongue by a Pater of
the society, after which the Queene answered him in her own
tongue, and caused it to be read to the said Agent by her Interpreter
in the Portugall tongue, and was ordered to bring his
Message written, and so was conducted to his lodgings after
his audience, where he is to live at his own charge.
From Dantsick, the 13. of August.
FRom Poland we receive Intelligence, that both the Lords
Ambassadors, to wit, the Moscovite and Tartar, are departed
from Warschouw, with great content, and confirmation
of the Peace. There was also a report, that his Majesty
the King of Poland with his Houshold was resolved to come
hither ward from Warschouw on October next following.
The Prince Casimirus is also daily expected at Warschouw,
from his Bishopricke in the Lower Silesia.
From Stettin, the 16. of August.
ALthough the Lords Commissioners of the Elector of
Brandenburg, desired last Thursday the Swedish Lords,
to meet together in the Citie-House, which was performed;
yet wee understand that they are departed without having
concluded any thing. In the meane while, those of the Elector
of Brandenburg have desired three or foure daies respite
till the next meeting, in which time they expect a Messenger
from his Excellency the Elector of Brandenburg; what the
same will bring with him, or what the result of the whole
busines will come to, is yet to be expected.
The 11. of this Moneth being Thursday, arrived here the
Lord Generall Winter, who lay in Olmuts with foure Dutch
Companies; who, after they were reduced to two Companies
in the Castle, have taken their Quarters in the Towne,
and are there provided of all necessaries.
Some Troops also from Silesia, are marched hitherwards,
with whom the Lord Generall Essen, with certain Troops
have joyned themselves; when these Troops were come
neare Glogauw, they began to mutiny, and desired money,
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