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Mercurius politicus, Number 27, 5th-12th December 1650 E.619[9]

the Turkish Fleet is returned to Constantinople: Furthermore,
that ours from the said Theodoro, as also from the Forts Turlulu
and S. Lazaro, have pat the Enemy hard to it in Canea,
and endeavour to force them to surrender. We are advised
that the Turkes have executed some of our Commanders,
which they took at the last Fight against the Generall Cornaro,
by Sittia, for a revenge, because their Generall Veli Bassa
was there slain. From Dalmatia wee have received nothing
but that the Bassa of Bosnia wich about 10000. men quarters
there, destroying the Country about Clim and Clissa. Our
Senate is continually taking care to raise men and ships to
hinder their Enemy.
From Brussels, Novemb. 27.
THe French Letters advise us, that the King and Court
contrary to the expectation of all men, arrived at Paris
on the 15. of this moneth. He was welcomed by the people
with the usual words, Vive le Roy;but as soon as the Cardinal
was seen in the Kings Caroach, all was done, & not a word
more said: so that it is apparent, that this Minister is not
regarded of the people, being the only obstacle to the peace,
and the more by his perfidious dealing with those of Guienne,
where a a greater combustion then there was before is expected.
And now to deceive the Nation, he gives out, that he-will
not leave the Spariards long to be Masters of Rhetel, hee
himselfe intending to recover the same: That the Duke of
Orleans, shall command in chief over the Army. Many doubt
that he will be hindered in his enterprise, being assured that
Rhetel is furnished of all things, and besides guarded with a
strong Garrison, under valiant Commanders, and the place
strongly fortified. The Duke of Beaufort, and the Coadjutor
have visited the Qu. & were coolely received of her: returning
from this visit, the Duke did meet the Cardinally, and passe
by him without any salutation; It is thought they will
cause the Duke of Beaufort to leave Paris, with the Coadjutor,
and the President Bellimenim, which they will not doe. On
the same day, the Princes were carried from Marcoussy to Haure
de Grace with a party of 1500. Horse, under the command of
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