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Mercurius politicus, Number 27, 5th-12th December 1650 E.619[9]

the Earl of Harcourt, which was against the Duke of Orleans
minde. At Paris three of those, who assaulted the Duke of
Beauforts Coach, thinking to have murthered him, were
wracked alive: Another dyed in prison, not without suspition
of poyson; because they would have gotten the truth
from him, which the others would hot confesie.
From Milan we are advised, that the Marquiss de Caracena
hath done his best endeavor to force the Enemie to fight, being
for that purpose broke up from Livorn, and gone towards
Magldone and Montrevill, but they retreated towards
and adjacent hillocke: Notwithstanding, he pursued them,
and the Dragoons with a party of Musqueteers took the said
hillock, and after 24. great shot, forced them from thence,
not without the losse of many men: they fled towards Inurea
to defend that place, and the Marquess follows them, intending
to ingage them, the event we expect daily. The Earl
of Reckensteyn is gone through Milan, towards Beyeren,
where the Marriage between the Princsse Alaida Sister to the
Duke of Savoy, and the eldest Son of the Elector is to be
From Wenen we are advised that the Baron Smit was arrived
at Belgrade, and was on his journey towards Constantinople.
The Deputies of the Duke of Orleans are as yet requesting
to have his Imperiall Highnes to marry one of his Daughters,
although another Match is providing. The Deputies
that were assembled at Nurenburg, have deferred the weighty
businesses which have not been treated of, to the next Diet
at Regensbourg; in which also shall be treated for the foure
Woutsteden, which France is to restore according to the Peace
made at Munster. At Dresden great preparations are made
for the marriage of the two Princes of Saxon.
From Luxenburgh we are advised, that the Vicomte de Turennes,
& Don Estevan de Gammarva with their troops are marched
towards Burgundy and Bassigni. Thursday last the Earl
de Fuensaldagne arrived at Brussels. On the 28. of this moneth
order was given that all the Soldiers should take the Field,
because the French threaten to besiege Rhetel. On the 29.
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