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Mercurius politicus, Number 27, 5th-12th December 1650 E.619[9]

news was brought that those of Liege had made themselves
Masters of the Citadell, erected by the Arch-bishop of Coleu,
their Prince deceased.
Friday, Decemb. 6
FRom Dartmouth we were inform'd of some losse at Sea,
sustained by three Merchants ships of London, bound for
the Streights, who were sunk by 4. French men of War, which
came from Marseilles.
From Weymouth of the 4, Instant; That Col. Blague hath
newly made prize of a French man laden with pieces of Eight,
Bars of silver, and other rich Commodities, to the value of a
Million. The Vessell carried 36. Brasse-pieces, besides other
From Harwich, That a man of War of Dunkirk is newly
taken by two of our English Ketches.
From Brussels 4. Decemb.
THe Garrisons of the Towns of Ypre, Dismeade, and Newport
did endeavour to surprize some place of the West,
and they were already come to their Rendezvouz, but
there fell such a great tempt ft of wind and raine, that they
were constrained to retreat back again without effecting
their design; those men of the Arch-Dukes Army that were
commanded out of their Garrisons, have received order to
the contrary, upon report that the Cardinall Mazarin was
comming to besiege Rhetel, or Mouzon; but it seemeth that
he will be contented to stay this time untill the Spring, the
better to effect his design; in the mean while those Troops
formerly mentioned are in France, where they doe a great
deale of harm to the French under the command of the Marishall
of Turenne.
From Liege they advise us, as followeth, by Letters of
the 29. of the last moneth. Last Thursday, the 24 about 100
Foot Souldiers of the Garrison of the Cittadell left their
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