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Mercurius politicus, Number 27, 5th-12th December 1650 E.619[9]

Worne out by continuall marching, but of one Countrey into another.
The Arch-Duke Leopoldus his men are comming home into their Winter-quarters,
the season of the year being past for any further action; he
left sufficient garisons in Rhetel, Mousen, and other places, which he hath
taken from the French, that they will be able to make their parties good
against the Cardinals forces, who have boasted to regain this Winter whatsoever
they have loft in the Summer.
Tuesday, Decemb 10.
WE had a particular accompt of the late defeat given to
Carr, by an Express from Berwicke, of the 4 Instant.
THis morning came in a Post from Scotland, who hath
brought us some-what to recompence the good news wee
received from the South, which was Clanriokards defeat.
Major Gen. Lambert having found with some difficulty a
Ford over Hambleton River, quartered on the other side on
Friday night last. On Saturday, morning early, Carr, having
received intelligence of it, was resolved not only to beat up
the out. Quarters, but to fall even into the midst of them, &
so to surprize the Major Gen. himself, which hee attempted
with some courage; but our have having a seasonable Alarm,
almost encompassed on a sudden all the Enemies Horse, (For
no Foot of either side was engaged) and left them only, a
place to run. One hundred of the Scots were quickly slain,
100. more quitted ther horses, yet taken prisoners: 400.
Horse and Horse-men more taken also, and all the rest were
pursued above 8. miles when the Post came hither this morning;
by the next if any thing be added, you shall receive.
The K: is at St. Johnstons, where the Ks. Party have got the
start at present of the Kirk. For, they voted with a high hand
and mouth, that Straughan's Declaration was scandalous and
sedilious. Sir John Cheesly appeared very zealous on this determination
for Straughan and the Kirk, and is look'd much
a squint on for his judgment. Straughan himselfe is a Prisoner
still at Dunbarton, who was committed thither by Car's F.
------ I suppose you will suddenly hear the report, though
not the noise of our Batteries against Edenburgh Castle. The
Derby-shire Myners have done very good service; The Batteries
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