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Mercurius politicus, Number 27, 5th-12th December 1650 E.619[9]

are almost, if not altogether prefected. Mr. Brown our
chiefe Gunner was sent for hence the last week by the Generall
who is gone with some Carts of Granadoes, and many
others are sent by Sea.
Hind, the great Thief is come into Scotland, with 80. Hors
and doth much mischief.
Barwicke, Decemb.
4. 1650.
Hague, Novemb. 1.
A Project of the High and Mighty States. of Holland, after what
manner they are resolved to alter their State-affairs both Civill &
Military; after it shall be approved of, shall also remaine in
Common Councell.
The Civill points.
The Deputies of the States of Holland and Westfriestand, out
of the Lords and the five forfeicing Towns of South Holland,
have the 19. of Novemb. made an end of their private affaires
consisting in these following points.
1. The Townes which have had formerly the choosing of
Magistrates, shall keep the same.
2. These Towns which have not had them, are bound to
obtain Octroy for the choosing of their Magistrate.
3. Those Towns whose daies do end for the choosing of
their Magistrates, before their Oct. oy be expired, shall for this
time be chosen by the States of Holland.
4. Those Towns who have no voyce in the said States, as
the Hague, Huysded, Gorcum, Naerden, Wesep, there shall the
choise of the Magistrates be made by the State of Holland.
5. All Officers which were formed at the disposall of the
Stakeholder shall absolutely be disposed of by the States of
6. The Houtvester schap, when shall be vacant, the High
and Mighty Lords shall choose three, of which the States of
Holland shall choose one.
The Military points.
All military high charges about the Militia, as well of
Outlandish as others, whereof the States used to have the nomination,
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