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Mercurius politicus, Number 27, 5th-12th December 1650 E.619[9]

and the Prince to choose one of them, shall be absolutely
disposed of by the States of Holland.
2. The Lieutenants and Ensigns shall be at the disposall of
the Committeerde Raden.
3. That the oversight of the Militia without a Captain Generall
shall remain with the Field Marshall, to which Qffice
Bredcrode will be chosen.
4. That the removing of Companies shall be managed by
the Councell of State, with the consent of the Committeerde
Raden of South and North Holland; Also with the knowledge of
the Magistrates from whence the said Companies are sent.
5. That the Militia shall be brought to the same Oath as
that of Friesland.
6. That the secret Correspondence, Ghelden, formerly belonging
to his Highnesse, shall be managed, with giving an
account, by the States of Holland.
Report being made of the same, the said points were sent to
all the Members of Holland, to give, and confirm their Resolution.
From the Hague, Decemb. 1.
The States of Holland are to meet on the 15. of December,
for forming the Government of the Land. Whether the said
points will be then confirmed or no, time will learn. Nothing
hath been yet spoken of the Christning of the young Prince of
Orange, or of the Funerall of his Father. The Marriage of the
Princesse Henrietta with the Prince of Transylvanias Brother, is
to be made an end of in April next.
By the fore-cited Copie of the Resolutions taken by the
States of Holland touching their Government for the future,
you see they intend unto assume to Themselves all the Power
which the Pr. of Orange had, as Governor of Holland, and all
which did concern the Civill State. They will also make sure
of more than one halfe of the Officers of the Army for, they
will dispose of all that they pay, which is the better halfe of
the Army. They have likewise ordered, That all Officers of
the Army shall take an Oath to the States of the Province of
Holland, which they did before only to the States-Generall.
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