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Mercurius politicus, Number 31, 2nd-9th January 1651 E.621[10]

in so many Malignants, that now Malignancy walks uppermost.
The Commission of the Kirk is as blind as Bayard:
They are dancing after the Royall pipe: They have voted the
reception of all forts, except excommunicate and confiscate
persons, which are but a very small number. After their
King is crowned, he must goe into the North, and set up his
Standard, and command in all the Countrey from 16 to 60.
out of which they wil form an Army of 22000. Some think,
that the surrender of this Castle will produce alterations. And
that divisions already break out amongst them; we shall
shortly know what effect it has. Ker is come hither: He
says, that if we had not given him that blow, he should probably
in a short while have fought with Montgommery: and
I beleeve it to be true: For Montgommery had a Commission
to command in chief. There is no probability of their slipping
into England by Carlisle.
Edenburgh, 25.
Decemb. 1650.
We had also a finall Accompt of the Proceedings of the
high Court of justice at Norwich, of the 30. of December.
Upon Friday two of the most notorious Contrivers of the late
Rebellion, were brought to publick Tryall, one of them called
Major saul, formerly Governour of Crowland for the late King, who
endevoured by cunning evasions and absolute negations of apparent
truths, to have prevented the sentence which was pronounced upon
him after full and clear Proof. He is to be hanged at Lynn for example,
because he had endevoured to betray that Garison; the other
to be hanged at Wisbeech in the Isle of Ely. On Saturday two of those
formerly condemned, were executed at Downham; and Cooper the
Parson at Holt. The High Court sate privately all that day to make
out the whole proof before them against all the Prisoners in Custody;
which was so dispatched, that this day five were publickly tryed and
condemned, whereof one a Merchant, the other a Brewer, three of
them Citizens of Norwich, who carryed themselves with more insolence
then the former: But whereas they intended to make surprisall
of this place, here God hath brought them to a just sentence; two of
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