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Mercurius politicus, Number 31, 2nd-9th January 1651 E.621[10]

them had been Majors against the Parliament, an the rest Souldiers
I think our proofs, as to tryals for Life, are almost come to the
height; and for Misprisions we yet find none; But divers Prisoners
are turned over to the Sessions; And to morrow will be spent in
compleating the business here now before the Court, so that the
Judges intend to setforth upon Wednesday morning towards London.
There have been 24 persons condemned, whereof 20 are and will be
executed; the other 4 are to be hanged February 1. if in the mean
time the Parliament doe not pardon them.
Munday night, Norwich
December 30, 1650.
From Genoa the 7 of December.
They are busie here, to unite this Commonwealth to that of
Venice, who, as it seems, will give to ours the title of a Kingly
Commonwealth, on condition that they shall set forth six Gallies
at their own charges for the service of the Venetians, and suffer
the Venetians to hire and rig forth at their pleasure, in their
Havens, twelve ships.
From Turin the 10 of December.
The Ambassadour of the Elector of Beyeren is here sumptuously
entertained, and hath presented the Princess Adelaide rich
presents, by the appointment of the Elector; to wit, a great
Diamond, with many others: he bath likewise presented his
Procuration and a Ring from the Prince of Beyeren to the
Duke of Savoy, to marry the Princess Adelaide in his name;
which is deferred till to morrow. The Duke of Savoy hath
made Prince Philibort, eldest son to Prince Thomas, and five
others, Knight of his Order.
From Milan the 14 of December.
Here are fifty Companies of Horse and Foot reduced, to the
great content of the States of this Land. Afterwards, the Souldiers
were sent to their Winter-Quarters. From Catalonia we
are advised, that Tortosa was to be delivered to the Spaniards
on the 5 of this month. The Duke of Mercœur perceiving
the Micheletti to increase, hath caused an Act to be published,
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