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Mercurius politicus, Number 31, 2nd-9th January 1651 E.621[10]

wherein he promises a good sum of money to those who shall
deliver any of them, either alive or dead, into the hands of the
From Rhetel, the 18 of December.
The inhabitants of this Town have shewed great gladness
for their delivery out of the Spaniards hands, and are preparing
to repair their Fortifications. Our Generals have sent their
Troops into their Winter; Quarters, because the season will not
permit them to keep the Field.
From Genua the 12 of December.
In the beginning of this month were chosen for Senators of
this place, the Lords Ettore Fiesco, Tomaso Chiavari, and
Gio Batt. Picchonetti: and for Procurators, the Lords Pier
Maria Gentile, and Geronimo de Franchi. The last Letters
from Madrid advise us that there was great gladness in those
parts for the Queen's being with childe, and for the health of his
Majestie. The Fleet from Peru is daily expected at Cadiz in
Spain, being richer laden then the last.
From Venice, the 16 of December.
We are here busie about letting forth of 30 men of War, to
be ready at the departure of Don Francisco Barbaro, whom
our Senate hath declared Duke in Candia, and General of the
Fleet in the place of Don Jacomo Riva, who had desired a
while ago to be discharged. To provide the said Ships with
Men, every Parish of the Commonwealth is to raise a man;
which will amount to some 12000 persons, and upwards.
The Earthquake hath caused a great fright and damage in
the Archipelago, and drowned almost the whole Island Santorini,
which some years ago by an Earthquake was risen out of
the Sea. At Constantinople is again forbidden any manner of
traffique with those of Venice.
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