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Mercurius politicus, Number 31, 2nd-9th January 1651 E.621[10]

hath always accompanied this poor Prince, as well in Spain as
They write from Basile in Switzerland, that the Garisons
of Brisac are mutinied for want of their pay. The 11 of the
last month, the Princess of Savoy was married by procuration
to the Prince of Baviere at Turin.
The Marriage of his Imperial Majestie with the Princess of
Mantua is still on foot and thought to be shortly accomplished,
according to advice given from the Court at Vienna: for, he hath
lately honoured the Earl Lambert of Haversberch with the
charge of Overseer of the Family of the future Empress. The said
Earl is preparing himself for the journey to Mantua to conclude
the Match there and to conduct the said Princess from thence.
From Constance they write, that all is quiet in those parts. The
Cantons of Switzerland have received an answer from the Emperour,
to make use of the arrested goods at Spters. The Souldiers
are put into Garisons. France endeavoureth to raise 6000
Switzers; but it seemeth we shall have need of our men our
selves, against the Spring.
They advise us from Lingen, that on the 25 of last month,
3000 Dutch Souldiers marched by the laid place for the service
of the King of Spain. Five Lorain-Regiments are upon their
march towards Monzon, to take up their Wince Quarters
Saturday, January 4.
Came another of the same date as before, from Edinburgh.
Sir, This day Sir Arthur Haslerig and M. Scot are taking
their leaves here, and returning back for England.
At S. Johnstons they are busie about, their King's Coronation.
Malignants flock in apace. There were nineteen dissenters
(some Lords and others) from their Votes for complying with
Malignants: And they have protested, that
the Royal designe runs on very smoothly.
They are given much to vapouring: And indeed in this
time of their Countries general ruine and their present lowe
estate, they are yet seemingly very high. But in their Counsels
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