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Mercurius politicus, Number 43, 27th March-3rd April 1651 E.626[17]

We had another out of Shropshire of the 28. instant.
I presume by this time you have heard how Chirke-castle
is secured by captain Prichard, and a Garison of his men put
in it. I met the owner sir Thomas Middleton at wrexham on
Friday last attending the Committee for the Militia His
Son is a Prisoner at Chester, and the Castles of Holt and
Shrawarden are filled with Blades, who, upon Order from
the Councell of State, were seized on last Weeke. Many
of these have been Compounders; And therefore one would
think they might have had their bellies-full already; but I
think men are mad to the Dabling.
March. 28.
SATURDAY, March 29.
THE Sentence was executed upon Brown
Bus HELL by Beheading upon Tower-Hill.
By reason of a Mistake, it was done at the later end
of the day, under, and not upon the Scaffold. He
seem'd at his Tryall, a man of few words, and hee
us'd not many now, but was resolute after the garb
and humor of his party, yet he acted it not half so
high as ANDREWS. He owned TARQUIN the second,
and hoped we would receive him. It may be
we shall, if the Scots please to deliver him: In the
mean time, his servant Bushell seem'd pleased with
the Ax, supposing it to be the same that took off
the Head of his old Master.
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