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Mercurius politicus, Number 43, 27th March-3rd April 1651 E.626[17]

We had one of the 22. instant, from Edenburgh.
We Continue yet very quiet; not any motion on either
side. The Scots heretofore were wont to get up an Army in
a month or six weeks time; but now it is otherwise, notwithstanding
the great endeavours which are used on all
hands: And it is now the great work of this present Parliament
to get up the Northern Men, the great Obstacle
wherein is their Mutuall Jealousie of each other.
Duke Hamilton, Landerdail, Glencarn, &c. do now fit
in Parliament, and the Chancellor Loudoun, is put by from
being President, which hath not been since 1648. if David
Lesly stand, it will be upon Middleton's Account.
This week there hath an English Woman slipt over the
water, with a Packet of Letters to the Scotch King.
My Lord Generall is (through Gods mercy) reasonably
well recovered; and the army are all very desireous of
Action; so soon as the season will permit us to lie in the
Field; or when our Boats and ships are come, we shall
possibly be beforehand with them.
The Lord Broady and some others on the one hand, and
the Heads of some Clans on the other hand, do cause
great obstructions in the Northern Levies; the one crying
out, they must not joyn with Malignants; the other being
transported with particular Animosities. Some of the disaffected
Scots do now considently report. That five Counties
in the North are about to declare against their Kings Proceedings.
Edenburgh, 22 March.
This night, Mr. Tho. Cook of Grey's Inn, who Scap't about
a week ago from a Messenger belonging to the Councell,
being accused of treason, was this night again apprehended
at an Upholsters in the Strand, by some Officers,
and on Sunday night sent to the Tower.
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