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Mercurius politicus, Number 43, 27th March-3rd April 1651 E.626[17]

We had a Letter likewise of the 24. instant from Edenburgh.
THe good News of my Lord Generals recovery, the Bearer
will present you with, which is to us all a very great
refreshing, and a testimony of the further service the Lord
hath to doe by him; and indeed, the strange unvayling of the
hearts of our Enemies, and the discovery of those designes of
darkness they are about, is to us a very good ground of encouragement
& assurance. Their Parliam. Is still sitting at S. Johnston,
where they are tugging to gain the Northern Forces: Both
King and States had given out that Mr Andr. Cant, and that
Party were fully satisfied, and the like was publickly preached.
But there is one now come in from the North who certainly
informs us, that they are still dissatisfied, and that while they
who were sent by the King to them were making report to the
commission of the Kirk of their satisfaction; Mr. Jo Mynies, &
another Minister arrived from them, and entred their publick
dissent. The Presbytery of Sterlin have also given in their second
and ultimate Resolution against present proceedings,
Mr Patrick Gillespy, and Mr fa. Guthry have lately writ a publick
Letter against the present conjunction with the Malignant
party. Mr fa. Guthry is still under confinement; he made his
appeal from the State to the Kirk whereupon the Committee
of Estates sent to the commission of the Kirk that they would
let them Know whether they thought them competent Judges
over him, who in conclusion voted that they were, and referd
him to them; wherupon they sent 2 Serjeants, & arrested him,
and he remains stil under confinement with M. David Bennet.
The Parliam. (besides what they are doing in relation to the
Forces) are now hard at work about the Act of Classes, which
was made after D. Hamiltons year, where in those that had accession
to that engagement were ranked into several classes, &
debar'd from any civil charge. Its probable this Act wil speedily
be repealed, and then the whole foundation of all former
actings is overturned. Mr fa. Durham. The Kings Minister,
hath left him, and is now upon his way for Glasgow, where he
intends to reside. The Chancellor is certainly put by being
president of the Panlia. And the L. Burleigh (a meer cypher)
chosen in his stead.
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