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Mercurius politicus, Number 44, 3rd-10th April 1651 E.626[22]

From Naples the 1. of March, 1651.
THe Nobility are raising of Forces, which they doe with
good Order, and without any hindrance. Don Gabriel
Zavaglios is gon to raise 500 Foot and a Troop of Horse, for
which end he received at his departure 3000 Crowns, besides
the 4000 which were formerly paid him, with full assurance
to be satisfied for the rest, as soon as his Forces shall be gathered:
this promise will be fulfilled the sooner, to
cause them to be able to take the Field altogether.
The Forces raised in Germany are upon the Borders, where
they expect the rest for to come hither together. The Governor
of Riggio is advised, that a certain Island in the
Archipelago, 35 miles about, is drowned in the sea, and that
but five persons were saved, which arrived at Riggio in a small
Barque, and report this accident to have happened through a
mountain, which since the space of 3. years did was continually
bigger and bigger, and at last opened it self, and cast forth
flames of fire ashes, and stones in such a number, as that the
Island was filled therewith, and at last drowned.
From Venice the 8. of March.
Our Forces in Dalmatia have had some skirmishes with
the Turks, in which ours have taken 200 slaves, and recovered
120 prisoners of war: amongst the rest they took a Commander
who was ransomed for 4000 Reals. Our Forces have
likewise gotten some booties, amongst the rest, 40 Horses
furnished with carriage, which they led to spalatro. From
Corfu we are advised, that Generalissimo Mocenigo is deceased
at Milo: The truth of this is expected by the first. This
State doth their utmost endevour to send men and ammunition
for Candia, endevouring to prevent all the Turks designs
during their discord at Constantinople, where both the sultanaes
are gone so far, as that they cannot be united : wherefore
both of them raise Forces, and are preparing for the war
(noxious to themselves and profitable to their Enemies) by
this means to obtain their desires.
From Madrid the 8. of March.
On the 24. of the last month the Marquess of Heliche, the
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