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Mercurius politicus, Number 44, 3rd-10th April 1651 E.626[22]

son of Don Lavis de Hare, departed from this place to the
Haven of saint Maria, there to receive and congratulate his
Bride the daughter of the Duke Medina Celi. Yesterday the
Ambassadors of the King of Scots departed from this Court.
Cottington being the eldest of them, and a Papist, hath gotten
leave of his Majesty to live at Valladolid, having there a yearly
pension of 2000. Ducats. The King hath given to the Earl
Ognato Viceroy of Naples, the rents of 10000 Crownes for
ever : giving him likewise hopes of greater gifts for his good
services which he hath performed, and for which he doth
yet continually perform for his Majesty. The Duke of Montalto,
brother to the Marquess of Castelrodrigo, is expected
here, to receive from the King the Order of the Golden
fleece, and afterwards to goe for Valencia to take possession
of the Viceroys place there: some Officers of the Army
have procured leav of his Majesty not to come to Court from
their possessions this last Winter, by this means to prevent all
inconveniences which might have risen by their absence.
FRIDAY, April 4.
We had another bearing date from Edenburgh, March 29.
SIR, The Parliament is still sitting down at S. Johnston's.
There are great divisions among them. The Earle of
Sutherland (as well as others) is against the present proceedings,
and attended with about 9000. of his own levyed Vassals
which are of the same opinion.
Sterlin Castle is preparing for their Kings coming thither.
The Parl. hath bin pleased to pass a third Act for 15000 men.
Thursday last we sent up 4. ships above the Island of Inchgarvey
who took one of the Vessels that were riding there:
so that we are Masters of that Pass. They are now at Anchor
before Blacknesse, whither Col. Monk is this day marched for
the reducing of it.
They are full of Reports on the other side the Water, of
my Lord Generals desttoying himself: But blessed be God
he is well recovered, and this day rode abroad.
Massey hath written a Letter to the Commander of the
Fleet above Inchgarvey, to entice him to revolt, and he useth
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