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Mercurius politicus, Number 47, 24th April-1st May 1651 E.628[6]

From Weenen the 5. of April, 1651.
The Marriage of his Imperiall Majesty is ordered to bee
kept upon the 28. of this month, by reason the Imperiall
Bride, beyond expectation is so near. The Swedish Ambassador
Berenclanw hath not yet had audience; the Queen and
the Crown of Sweden will not yeeld unto the Earl of Oldenborch
the custome upon the Weeser: wherefore it is thought
that his Imperiall Majesty will recall the penall Mandates
published against the Town of Bremen. The Ambassador
of the King of Spain doth report that the King is willing to
restore Franckendale upon reasonable conditions, which he
will send to his Ambassadors which are at Wirtsborch with the
Elector of Mentz. Notwithstanding the ambassador of the
Elector of the Palatinate cannot obtain the Rents for his
Lord, through the oppositions of those of Beyeren, which will
apparently continue until both houses are united.
From the Meinstream the 16 of Aprill.
At Franck fort, things are in their former condition, only
some Towns have proffered to goe along with them in the
work of affociation, there being [unr]o hopes for the resticution
of Frankendale. It is not doubted but others will follow and
doe the same. The Baptism of the Prince, the Elector's son,
is ordered to be in the next month, the Godfathers are to bee
the Prince of Sweden, the Duke of Lorrain, and the Land
Countess Dowager of Hessen, who is now well recovered.
From the Rhinestroom the 18 of Aprill.
The States of Gulich, and the Country of Berch, are assembled
at Colen, to make an end of those points which were
not concluded on at Susseldrop, to which end the Deputies of
the Elector are expected there daily. The Cardinal Mazarin
after he was visited by the Elector of Colen, went from Brnel
to Bon, where his Highness was gone; where he was saluted
with severall great Guns, which were thrice discharged: Tomorrow
the Cardinall, with the Elector, goe a hunting, and
the next day for Colen, to see the generall Procession. The
Lorrainers quartering at Malmedy, desire that the Layckenooes
which are retired in Movien, being in the countrey of
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