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Mercurius politicus, Number 47, 24th April-1st May 1651 E.628[6]

Galik, may be delivered up to them; but the Abbot
will not yeeld thereunto, but will protect them,
being commanded by the Du. Of Michorch his Lord,
wherfore the said Lorrainers doe threaten to carry
them away by force.
From Brussels the 18. of Aprill.
From Madrid we are advised, that his Majesty of
spain bath nominated Don Iean de Bergia to go Ambassador
extraordinary to Poland; he hath made Don
Vincenso de Gonsaga (Gen. Of the Horse in the Duked.
of Milan) Governor of the Kingdom of Galicia; and
the Earl of Haro, eldest son to the Constable of Castile,
is made Gen. of the Horse in Catalonia. The Office
of chief steward being vacant by the death of the
Earl of castelroarign, is given to the Earl Monterey.
From Milan we are advised, that the French are very
busie in fortifying of Casal, and providing it of
all things necessary for a siege, because they feare
it will be their turn next.
From Antwerp the 20. of Aprill.
The Letters form Colen advise us, that the Elector
there, hath presented Card. Mazarin to make choice
of one of these 3 places, viz. The Castle of Lemmigh,
the Castle of Bruel, and the Court of the Provost of
S. Ieroen, but the Cardianl hath chosen the Castle of
Bruel, which is scituated between Colen and Bonne;
where he now is with his Nephews, and about 100.
more of his Train. The Lorrainers are gon towards
It is reported that the french are preparing to take
the Field; In the mean time they have sent some
Propositions of Peace to Spain, the Truth and particulars
where of are expected.
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