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Mercurius politicus, Number 53, 5th-12th June 1651 E.632[7]

Another of the same place and date, but not
by the same hand.
THere is a great difference betwixt the Duke of Longueville and his
wife, which hath occasioned his restirement into Normandy, where
having made his Will, he sent a note to the Prince of Conce of his sister's
doings, the copy where of he sent to his wife. The said Prince of
Condé is much incensed against her, but she is protected by the Prince of
The Town of Dieppe for freeing of it self from the soldiers, sent hither
by the said Duke, doth offer to them the sum of 14000 Livers.
They write from Toulon, that M. dela Bressardiese having been sent
to command the Galley in the pace of M. de Bailybant, and in the absence
of the Duke of Richelieu, he was refused by all, only by the Capitane.
The Citizens of that place doth still continue in the Duke of Engoulesmt's
party, refusing to obey the King's order, except they be a
greed by the said Duke. The Rentiers of this Town-house do strive to
hinder the diverting of four Millions of Livers, designed for their payment.
The Spaniards do gather their Forces about Mortagne: abundance
of Artillery is come to Armentiers and great quantity of Tools which
since have been sent to Lilliers, Marquess de Fondrati is at Yperen,
with his Forces, which doth put la Bassee in some fear, so that the
Count de Broglio Governour thereof, hath sent hither for some supply
in case of a siege. M de Senneterre, and M. de Maroles having gathered
as many men as they could out of the Garrisons of Lorrains,
are marching to attempt the re-taking of the places taken
the last Summer by the Count de Ligneville, and to hinder
him from passing over the Mosella at Neuschastel with his
They write from Rome of the 17 of May, that there is a
talk there to promote the Duke of Parma's brother to the
Cardinalship, whereby an accommodation might be made
for the Dukedome of Castro; and an alliance is to be made
between the Borgheses, and the Pamphylios by a marriage
with the Princess of Rossono her daughter.
They write from Naples of the 22 of May, that the Vice-Roy
hath beheaded seventeen Inhabitants for fear they
should move the people to a general revolting.
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