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Mercurius politicus, Number 53, 5th-12th June 1651 E.632[7]

found it to be of blessed use. It may not seem strange
to any, that we are exercised with difficulties and disappointments;
Thereby God hath manisested forth his glory, &
accomplished his great designs. Some hasty spirits may think
it too too late, ere we enter upon Action: But to such we
say, that we have learnt to bang upon our God, and to observe
his Providences.
When the Enemies motion give us an opportunity, we shall
not be backward to make use of it. We have received very
credible information, that they are very near unto some sudden
[unr]; The common same is for England; but wee
cannot toll want to prage of it.
Their Parliament yet continues; nothing of moment bath
been produced; A Late Act is put forth, for the bringing in
of ten thousand Bowles of meal into their stores at Sterlin.
There is much endeavouring to repeal the Act of Classes;
but it is not effected. Their King is unwilling to dis-oblige
any Party; or to doe that which may occasion Factions and
Besides these Levies that are going forward in the North,
they are busie in raising men in the West to recruit their Army
We have at last condescended to return their Records
unto them; They would have done us little good, and some
blemish might have lien upon us, they pretending a breach of
promise. We are very sensible of little miscarriages, though
their dealings towards us are very unhandsome.
Yet, we believe the Lord Wariston will not again return
unto them, be disrelishing their present conjunction and de
signs; and he will either retire into some Corner within our
Quarterss, or else get a Pass for Forain Parts.
We had late Intelligence, that one Col. Cowper, a Nottinghamshire
Cavalier, is gone unto the Enemy, and they
have bestowed a Regiment upon him.
Edinburgh, 3 June 16[unr]1.
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