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Mercurius politicus, Number 53, 5th-12th June 1651 E.632[7]

their counsell. Our horse that went to Sterling, finde very
little grass, and the corn is not yet so grown, as that a body
of horse can continue upon it, which will compel the retarding
of our motion for a time. I told some Scots they now
see by sence, what we saw by plain grounds of reason, before
we came in with our Army, viz. the taking in of their hypocritically
covenanting King, who now hath perfectly let in all
their wilde boars to lav waste the garden of their Kirk, having
filled their Parliament and judicatories, as well as their
Army, with Montrosses and Hamiltons factions, and turned
the Kirk Remonstrators out of doors: Callender hath the
command of a new levy that is now a making. Your honest
Doctors are coming back this day. And my Lord (God be blessed)
very cheerfull, and of more confirmed health then before
he had his ague. We are glad to hear of the prayers of
England for us, and that the Lord may stil pour out more of
the spirit of grace and supplications upon you and us, is our
earnest prayer.
Edinburgh, June 3.
Smyrna March 26. 1651.
Some of Sir Henry Hides abetters, who gave in their
names for him, and against the present government, have met
with vengeance here; for the one was stab'd to death by a
servant, and no Justice. Another wounded almost to death,
but recovered; two are mad, one Mr. Pixeley, in whose houselam,
was the first man for Hide; he had shut himself in his
chamber, and would have hanged himself, but we of the house
broke in upon him and prevented him. In my opinion
the management of such an important trade, should not be
confined in the disposall of a Company, but should be for the
good of all the industrious of the Common-wealth; The
Turk would willingly treat with an Agent from it, (and they
wonder that in so long a time none appeares) let but ships
and Merchandise come along with them.
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