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Mercurius politicus, Number 68, 18th-25th September 1651 E.641[23]

In the mean time the Spaniards keep Dunkirk
block'd up both by water and land, having no less
then twelve ships before it already, and order is
given for three or four good ships more to repair
to joyn with them; and by land they lie before it
with their Horse, and some Foot, as many as they
can wel spare. Those of Dunkirk perceiving the
intention of the Spaniards, that all their aim was
at them, have gotten into the Town fifteen hundred
men, to strengthen the Spaniards, and go
neer to secure the place from being taken at this
time, and especially the season of the yeer being
so far spent, that their men will be hardly able to
keep the field; yet for all I can hear, they are resolved
to try what they are able do upon it, for it
is reported, that those men that got into the Town
were most of them unarmed; besides the want of
provisions is said to be great in the Town, and that
they cannot hold out long; nor is there any likelihood
of relief from the French Army. Assoon
as Bergen is surrendred, it is resolved upon that
Dunkirk shall be the next Town they will fall upon:
in the mean time they will hinder any provision
from being carried into the Town.
The other great Army of the Spaniards was
gone towards Bavois in pursuit of the French Army,
who gave out that they marched for Stenay;
but it was found to the contrary; for the French
returned again on the right hand, and the Spaniards
did the like; and the Spanish Army lies at
this present at Appe between Valenchin and Camerick;
and his highness the Arch-Duke is in person in the
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