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Mercurius politicus, Number 68, 18th-25th September 1651 E.641[23]

Castle of Nogelles, and is resolved for the Siege of
Dunkirk; great hopes here is of regaining many
places in Flanders, if the troubles in France go on,
as it seems they do by the several relations that we
have from thence.
From Kilkenny in Ireland, Sept. 10.
We have here (not much) to communicated to
you. Limerik is even upon their knees: gladly
would they accept of the first offers of my Lord
Deputy. They have many divisions among themselves
which will necessitate them to surrender:
they made a sally upon our guards with one thousand
Foot, on the 25. of August; we had a dispute
with them for an hour, killed of them above 80.
and wounded many, we have 9. slain, and about
35. wounded. I was then at the Leagure; my
Lord is about blocking up of Clare Castle. I hope
that will not hold out long; Galloway is much in the
same condition with Limerick.
Paris, Sept. 20. Stilo Novo.
All things here tend so much to a war, that
Commissioner are issued out on both sides. The
Prince of Condé professeth still, that what he doth
is meerly for the safety of his person, but his enemies
do give it out otherwise. The reported
flight of the said Prince's Forces hard by Stenay
proves not true; but it is certain that the Prince
of conti's Troops and some Companies of the Regiment
of Burgundy being within the quarters of
Marshald' Aumont, have been set on by him and disbanded,
as they thought to have followed
their main body to stenay, twenty of them having
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