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Mercurius politicus, Number 68, 18th-25th September 1651 E.641[23]

been slain. The Duke of Nemours is not gone to
stenay: The Prince goes very suddenly into Champagne.
The Prince of Condé was on Saturday last at
Bourges, where he hath been entertained with great
acclamations of all the people of that Town, who
hath professed of their fidelity to him. Since we
hear he is arrived at Bourdeaux, where likewise he
hath received all satisfaction, notwithstanding the
King's orders to reject him. The Court was to
go this morning to Fontainblean, and from thence
to Bourges, but the Duke of Anjou his sudden feaver
hath retarded the journey. In the mean while
the Count of Harcourt is going from thence to
Nantes to make some Levies, and the Duke of Espernon
is going into Burgundy. The King hath promised
to do justice unto the Nobility of Chartres of
the violence done to them by the inhabitants
mentioned in my former, and hath already rewarded,
Gentleman, whose son was killed in
that occasion. The Duke of Orleans refuseth to
follow the Court, being resolved to remain in
Paris in the behalf of the said Prince, with whom
some say he is to go to confer at Richelieu for an agreement.
The Cardinals Neece, wife to the
Duke of Mercoeur, is at present in the Pallace Royal.
The Cavalier Du Guet hath order to arrest all
the Prince of Condé's servants, which hath forced
one of Mr. Perrault's Nephews to shelter himself in
the Palace of Orleans.
Paris, Sept. 23. Stilo Novo.
The first news of the marvellous defeat given
at Worcester to the Scots Army, hath so altered the
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