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Mercurius politicus, Number 68, 18th-25th September 1651 E.641[23]

designes here, that I here the Queen hath really
consented to a conference about Richelieu between
the Duke of Orleans and the Prince of Condé, the
said Queen having given full power to the first to
compose all things, if possible. Some think the
said Prince will not come back, nor return to the
Court, as long as the said Queen shall have any
authority: and that the Duke of Anjou's indisposition
is but counterfeit, to hide the change
of resolution, though some say he hath been let
blood twice: yet the said Duke being better now,
the Court prepares to go tomorrow or next day,
after the return of the Express sent to the said
Prince about the said conference. The said Prince
was thought to be at Bourdeaux, but no certain
news are come yet of it. The Prince of Conti doth
not go yet to Champagne, but is left at Monron with
the Duke of Nemours, who lies sick there. The
Countd' Harcourt is appointed General of the Army
against the said Prince, if things come to a
breach. The Duke of Espernon went from hence
on Tuesday last for Burgundy: and his son the Duke
of Caridale went the day after toward his Government
of Auvergne. Besides the Prince of Conti's
Troops defeated by the Count de Quinsé, Mr. de
chastelnau hath since ill used 400. men of the same
party at Villefranche upon Menze: and the Count de
Grandpré some other about Stenay: all the Grandees
of the said Prince's party have entailed their estates
upon their wives, for preventing the Confiscations.
The Parliament of Paris was yesterday,
where the Duke of Orleans complained highly
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