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Mercurius politicus, Number 68, 18th-25th September 1651 E.641[23]

of the infractions of the Kings Declaration against
Cardinal Mazarin, the Damoiselle Manchini
wife to the Duke of Mercoew, being still contrary
thereunto in Paris. He then assureth the Parliament,
that the Prince was gone into his Government
with intention not to undertake any thing against
the King's service, but onely to stand upon
his defence, in case he be set upon. The said Parliament
did put off their deliberation, until the return
of the foresaid Express sent to the Prince.
The King hath promised the Cardinal's-cap unto
the Coajutor, at which the Duke of Orleans seems
somewhat amazed. Madamoiselle d' Orleans having
bin undeceived of the hopes given her of her
marriage with the King, hath declared again for
the said Prince, and doth not go to Fontainebleau.
Borgues St. Winox is taken by the Spaniards, but
two thousand fresh men are gotten into Dunkirk.
Mr. de Marsin hath been made Vice-Roy of Catalonia:
he keeps still his trenches before Parcelonna,
but the Town is straitly blocked up by the Spaniards.
Paris. Sept. 27. Stilo Novo.
The Prince doth openly make Levies of men in
several places about Guienne for the filling up of
his Troops defeated, as I said in my last, which is
a plausible pretence to strengthen himself. The
last letter from Bourdeaux of Thursday last, say, that
the Prince was not arrived then: that the Parliament
had sent an Express to him to let him know
that the Bourdelois were longing to hear of him:
that the were making great preparations to entertain
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