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Mercurius politicus, Number 68, 18th-25th September 1651 E.641[23]

him: and that the house of the President de
Gourgues was making ready to receive him in. The
said Express sent to him met him very neer the
said City with onely eight men coming post, so
that we expect every moment to hear of his reception
The Express sent from hence about the
Confe[unr] Richelieu is not come yet, not withstanding
the Court goes this morning to Fontainebleau,
and next Saturday towards Bourges: They will
resolve there about the Councels march, and
the new Lord Keeper is to be at Court on Fryday
next, to receive the King's orders for that. Since
these three or four daies, above two hundred
Commissions have been expedited in the said
Councel to make Levies against the Prince, and I
hear the Count of Harceu hath already his Commission
for the command of them. The good entertainment
given to the said Prince wheresoever
he came, hath raised the jelousies of his Enemies &
their hatred to the hight. The Marquess de la Force
hath met with him, and had a conference with him
upon the way. Mr. de St. Luc, the King's Lieutenant
in Guierne, is gone to Montanbar upon the said
Princes approach. The Marquess de Sanveboeuf
doth side with the Court. But it is reported that the
Count d'Oignon hath openly declared himself for
the said Prince, and that having sent for the Officers
appointed by the King at Brouage to raise the
King's mony, he hath demanded an account of
them and discharged them, and put others of his
own in their place, to raise hereafter that mony;
of which we expect a more certain confirmation.
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