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Mercurius politicus, Number 72, 16th-23rd October 1651 E.643[24]

perceive that these things do not rise out of the dust, but
that something lies at the bottom, for which God visiteth that
Family and all that adhere to it. We hear nothing yet of
any Embassador going from hence. There will be next month
an Assembly of the States, where questionless the affairs of
England will be scann'd, and without doubt something concluded
on in relation to your State, which many here look
upon with a fore eye, fearing the world be not big enough
to accommodate you both. The Deputies of all the other
Provinces have full authority to conform themselves to Holand,
and if so, no question but they will quickly send their
Embassador over to you; but many are of opinion that the
Provinces of Friesland and Groeningen, will come with no
such resolution, being otherwise perswaded before hand by
those who are no lovers of your cause.
Here is news, that your Parliament-ships have taken many
Hollanders, especially Amsterdammers, and that they have
cast above Seventy Zealanders overboard, which hath caused
great fearfulness amongst them, and made them more outrageous
against you then formerly; For, though they have
no certainty of it, yet are they made to believ it by those who
are your Enemies here, thinking by this means to set them
against you. Wee hear, that there were severall Ships at
Amsterdam that were ready to goe to Sea, but upon this
newes, which hath highly displeased them, have put off their
voyages till an other time: Though this be onely done by
your adversaries here to make you odious, yet these men are
so blinde as not to perceive it, but are apt to make the worst
construction of the business, that doth any ways make against
you; and although there hath been no such thing acted by
you, yet it will make these self-seeking men to look about
them, and hasten their men of War to Sea, which were ordered
a while ago by the Assembly of the States for to guard
their ships against the French and other Pirates, who in the
beginning of the year made bold to take several of their
ships, to the undoing of som Merchants.
Here is certain news come that the King of Scots is landed
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