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Mercurius politicus, Number 73, 23rd-30th October 1651 E.644[5]

Calendar, George Monre, Pluscarty, and divers Montaners,
who were they as well agreed with one another as they are
against us, would soon find us work; but as yet they are
taken up in consultation, being altogether unfit for Action.
Westminster October 24.
THey da of Thanksgiving was kept with great solemnity
at Margarets Church, by the Parliament and Councell
of State, where Mr. Tho. Goodwin and Mr. Owen made two
very excellent Sermons; which if published, will be of very
great use and satisfaction.
From Brussels the 29 of Octob. 1651.
In relation to our affairs of State since the taking in of the
strong Fort of Lincke, the Spanish Army is before Mardyck,
which being once taken, Dunkirk will be fain to surrender of
its own accord: For the losse of Dunkirk depends upon
Mardyck; if the Spaniards are any wife successfull before
this Town, Dunkirk will goe near to be their own this year.
Many recruits come daily into the Army. The Lieut. Generall
de la Cenna, hath brought a Brigade of 2500 Horse and
Foot. The Prince of Ligne is likewise upon his march with
some Troops towards West-Flanders: The Earle of Quince,
a Frenchman, is marcht with his Troops towards Hesdin; It
is thought, in all likelihood that he wil sit down before, Graveling,
or endeavor to relieve Dunkirk.
Here is a rumour that Mardyck is about to surrender, but
there is no certainty of it, neither is it by any believed that I
can heare: by the next you will hear the certainty.
Here is also much talk, as if your Commonwealth and the
States of Holland could not agree; and that your ships and
theirs have had some clashing at Sea. There are a great many
that would not be sorry to see you two at odds: and some
there be that do blow the coals, and would sain make a breach
between you. But I hope you will be wiser then to fall out about
trifles. We heare they are sending over Embassadors to
you; pray God give there may be a firm peace and right understanding
between you.
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