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Mercurius politicus, Number 73, 23rd-30th October 1651 E.644[5]

From Paris, October 28.
THings on all sides here, seem to tend to extremity,
insomuch that the interposall of the Duc
D'Orleans is like to take small effect, as to a reconcilement
between the Court and Condé, in so much
that the Queen hath in great indignation hurried
the King from Bourges to Poictiers, against the
advice of the major part of the Councell. In the
mean time the Prince is hastning his Levies, in hope
to have his designed Number ready for the Fields,
within a very short time. His Fortune depends
wholly upon the first Successe, which must either
marr or make him; wherein if he thrive, hee may
finde Friends enough; but at present men come on
but slowly: Even in Bourdeaux it self, but few of the
Parliament doe side with him; where the Burgers
have apologised to the King, for receiving the Pr.
within their Walls, excusing themselves, That they
could not well deny his entry, hee being their Governor;
and professing highly how tender they will
be in making any opposition against his Majesty.
Rochel also keeps very firm to the King, though
their Governor, Count d'Oignon be deeply engaged
for the Prince. And the Parliament of Tholouse
though no great admires of the Court, yet they
are very tender-hooss in going on for the Prince,
having given an unhandsom reception of a messenger
of his that came to Court them: So that at
length he was fain to make application to the Protestants
in Languedoc, Poictou, and other places; tempting
them with high promises of reviving the Edict
of Nantes, and restoring the Cautionary Townes
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