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Mercurius politicus, Number 73, 23rd-30th October 1651 E.644[5]

unto them; But they have been so far from trusting
or serving him, that on the contrary they diserved
him, having been the cause of keeping Montauban
from adhereing to his party.
The News of these particulars makes them very
confident at Court of dispatching the Prince out of
hand, though the Royall Army under Harcourt cannot
as yet make above 4000 Foot, and about 2000
Horse, which they are labouring to re-inforce with
new Levies out of severall Countreys. And therfore
the Price (as his last Refuge) is setting out a
Manifesto; wherein he is so wise, as not to reflect at
all upon particulars of his own interest, or of enmity
against any at Court, but declares onely for a
meeting of the Three Estates, as the onely means
of setting an end to all disorders and troubles in
France, thus hawking after the good opinion of the
The Queen-Mother is grown so eager upon hope, that she
every way labours the return of her Cardinall, and of late
invited him to Sedan, which Offer hee very wisely rejected,
being resolved to keep his present station, till a more mature
opportunity. The Pr. Of Conti, the Dutchess of Longueville,
with the Dukes of Rochefoucaut and Nemours, are
all safely arrived at Bourdeaux. These are devoted Mirmydons
of the Prince's party.
The Coadjutor is quite out with the Pope, by whom he is as
little respected, as by the Parisians; for, having sent one to
Rome, to sollicit in his behalf for a Cardinals Cap, the Pope
gave his Return, That he little deserved a Cardinalship, who
had used a Cardinal (meaning Mazarin) so unkindly.
The Lord jermyn is gone hence to visit the Court; and its
thought his business is, to make a Bargain with the French, for
the surrender of jersey into their hands, fearing his young
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