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Mercurius politicus, Number 73, 23rd-30th October 1651 E.644[5]

Master will be hardly able to keep it out any longer, against
the Preparations of your Parliament. Ormond and Inchiqueen
are both here still; but the latter (it's though) is in
better slight than the former. The Duke of York cannot as
yet get the 40000. Franks promised him for the completing
of his Troop of Gensd' Arms not withstanding the daily Sollicitations
used with the officers.
From Leyden the 26 of October, stilo loci 1651.
It appears that the young Duck is as good at diving
as the old. I do not like it; for, it seems to me
they march to one end, who thus take one way. Tarquin
(as you call him) who being hunted, ducked at
Worcester, is risen at Scheveling; where being come,
two things made him pop down his head, and play
Bopeep again: The one having no clothes, no George,
nor Periwig, (for truly he is not like Exas that had
the presence of a King in rags) he is ashamed. The
other is this, our States have enacted, that no King
or forreigne Prince shall come upon their ground,
without first giving notice and warning to them.
The people and scholars of our Town talk as if he
were with his sister at Teyling-house here hard by us.
I do believe it, for he is more out of view and noise
there. Besides, the Lady Governesse Stanhep, whose
house Teyling is, hath feasted the Kings Comrade
Buckingham; this is known to the States, and yet
for all their Act they look through their fingers, as
our saying is. The Courtiers say the King and Buckingham
were conducted by a Thiese to London in
disguise, whence after two houres stay they got to
a Pink, and so made to our Coast.
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