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Mercurius politicus, Number 73, 23rd-30th October 1651 E.644[5]

men that are out upon that score already, they will give over
upon so bad a bargain as Worcester proved: Yet some of our
Grandees have a good affection to Monarchy in England, or
else they would never have told the Princess Royal they wished
with all their hearts the King might win the day against
the Parliament, because they knew how to deal with one,
farr better then with four. This was a little before your Victory.
Our Fish-Merchants of Amsterdam and the Sea-Towns,
are very angry, that you trouble their. Busses as Zea, and
proceed so farr as to link their Ships, they say, What can
open Enemies do more? Thousands and ten thousands, among
us will soon feel such a disturbance, and I fear, make one
upon it; But it is hoped that, and all other differences between
you and us, will be compremised by our Ambassadors, who
are hastening to you; Schaep and another of Zealand. The
two Provinces of Holland and Zealand, send for all the seaven
Provinces, because they are Maritime and most concerned:
The severall Chambers of the East-Indie Company amongst
us, areglad they have liberty to fall upon the Portugeese. I
fear by grasping all, more will slip through their singers, then
they can well hold; they would fain be sole Masters of the
Indies. Zealand, who was ever better then we at Caepvarden,
and Peebooting, is very well pleased with it.
We are told the Ladie Henrietta, third Daughter of the
Queen of Bohemia, lately married to the Prince of Zebbenbergen,
alias Transilvania, is dead: if it be true, the best
branch of that Stock (else Famelies) is cut off; she was not
onely beautifull without, but vertuous within.
I was told yesterday at the Hague, that Colonel Broughton,
who sought stoutly against you at Worcester, is your prisoner;
I ever thought he would come to your mercy: his Compeers
vapor, that his friends can bring him off, and that he will baffle
your Judicatures. Our Assembly sit again the next week.
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