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Mercurius politicus, Number 73, 23rd-30th October 1651 E.644[5]

Paris November 1. Stilo novo.
We have hardly and newes here at present, since my last
on Saturday.
The next day we had advice that the King of Scots was landed
here in France, and on his way towards Roven; which
news being brought to the Duke of Orleans, he sent him presently
a Coach to Magny, where he lay that night, so that he
got into this Town on Munday; his Highness went to meet
him, but came so late, that he had no time to stay with him,
but to conduct him to the Louvre, and there to lodge him,
where the little Queen his mother came to see him that night.
Yesterday morning the Duke of Orleans went to see him again,
with Madamoiselle his daughter, and the said King told
him his adventures. At the end of their discourse he said,
When the battell was lost, he concealed himselfe in disguise
in many parts of England, and that he caused all his hair to
be cut off, as it appeares: For, he hath gotten on a Periwig:
That he went up and down London in a Gentlewomans habit,
where he faith, He never saw handsomer Coaches then
they have now; That he met with several persons that wisht
him no harm, and that at last he got to the Sea-coast, and
there imbarqued himselfe for this Coast, in a Boat that my
Lord Wilmot (whose company hee had lost two or three
times) had provided and hired beforehand. He said, he knew
nothing what was become of the Duke of Buckingham; and
that he had no other company or followers but the said Wilmot,
for whose man he past all along, It is said that hee was
never in better health, having got no harm at all in the fight.
By the next you may hear more particulars.
The Prince of Conde, it is thought, hath a design to make
his peace; but it is perceived, that before hee will goe about
it, he will see the Propositions confirmed: Which is to bee
understood, that if they will come to terms with him, hee will
be sure nothing shall make for the Queen-mother, whom he
hates with an implacable hatted.
Commissioners are by Parliament appointed to take care of
the Affairs of Scotland, viz. The Lo. Chiefe Justice St. John
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