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Mercurius politicus, Number 73, 23rd-30th October 1651 E.644[5]

then marched on Foot that night; The third day
they took Sanctuary in a Wood, and night approaching,
marched on towards Lancashire; where they
were received by a LADY, who furnish'd them with
Clothes for a disguise, and cut off their Hair very
short. Having reposed 2 or 3 days, the Lady resolved
to endevour to ship them out of England; To
which purpose, shee riding behinde the King, and
Wilmot as another Servant by, they went to Bristol;
but finding a Narrow and hot enquiry there, resolved
to goe for London, where they staid 3 weeks.
The King one day went into Westminster Hall, where
he faith, he saw the States Armes, and Scotch Colours.
My L. Wilmot procured a merchant to hire a Ship of
40 Tuns to transport them, which cost them 120 l.
But where they took shiping is not yet know: but
as soon as my Lord was entered the Barque, and the
King as his servant, the Master of the Vessel came
to my Lord, and told him, That he knew the King,
and told him, That in case it should be known, hee
could expect no Mercy; which saying troubled
them. But at length, what with money and promises,
they prevailed, and so set sail for Havre de Grace,
where they landed; & from thence to Rowen, where
they clothed themselves, and writ to Paris. His arrival
there will put them to new Counsels, since now
they canot send their Ambassadors, which was concluded
on before his coming. The Du. Of Orleans
fetched him into Towne, and expressed much as to
serve him. Yesterday he, with Thurenne, Beaufort, the
Du. of Guise came to him to the Louvre, where the
King told them, That they should endevour to reconcile
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