Online Froissart


The concise Middle French > Modern English Glossary provided here is derived from Peter Ainsworth's edition of the first third of Book III of the Chroniques, based on Besançon ms. 865, ff. 201-274, for Editions Droz, Textes Littéraires Français (Geneva, 2007). It provides a 'quick-and-easy' guide to meanings in English of many of the words found in manuscript versions of Froissart's Chronicles, though spellings obviously vary from one witness to the next. Other, more sophisticated lexicological and lexicographical tools are described immediately below.

Links to the Dictionnaire du Moyen Français

Dictionnaire du Moyen Français (1330-1500)

1. Searches initiated from the Online Froissart. Readers working within the Online Froissart on a manuscript transcription and wishing to look up a particular word should switch under "Settings" to Global Viewing Mode "DMF", then click on the word under investigation. This takes the reader to the online Dictionnaire du Moyen Français lemmatiser which tries to identify the appropriate dictionary entry. A high percentage of accuracy (89%+) is experienced when using this tool, but there are inevitably occasions when the DMF has difficulty assigning a word to the correct lemma (and therefore dictionary entry), especially where homonyms or grammatical words are involved.

2. Searches initiated from the Dictionnaire du Moyen Français (1330-1500). Work done under a joint British Academy-CNRS award by Gilles Souvay (Laboratoire ATILF, Université de Lorraine), Peter Ainsworth and Godfried Croenen links the Dictionnaire du Moyen Français and Online Froissart in a second way. Researchers can click on the DMF link displayed above and type a word form into the blank field (e.g. 'aime'). The 'attestations dans les bases' box in the yellowed area below should then be checked, and 'Rechercher' pressed. After a few seconds the results of the search are displayed. Under 'Plus d'hypothèses' there is a section labelled 'Attestation dans les bases du DMF'. The rubric 'OFP' covers all 46 instances of the form 'aime' identified by the lemmatiser in the Online Froissart's transcriptions. When one clicks on '46' these are immediately displayed, listed vertically in a separate window within the Online Froissart and highlighted in yellow.