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John II, count of Blois (d. 1381)

John II of Châtillon, count of Blois and Soissons between 1372 and his death in 1381. He was the second son of Louis I of Châtillon and Jeanne of Hainault. He inherited the lordships of Schoonhoven and Gouda, both in the county of Holland, from his paternal grandfather, John of Hainault on the latter’s death in 1356. When his elder brother Louis II died in 1372, he also inherited the counties of Blois and Soissons. He married Mathilde of Gueldres on 14 February 1372. They had no children. John died 9 June 1381 and was buried in the Francisan convent in Valenciennes. He was succeded as count of Blois by his youngest brother Guy.


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