Online Froissart

Florence of Aragon

'Florence of Aragon', the wife of Pierre de Béarn who was one of Fébus' natural brothers, could have been a daughter of the infante Juan de Aragon and of Isabella Nuñez de Lara. Our Spanish colleague Sr. José-Luis Martin has informed us, however, that he has found no trace of Juan and Isabella having had a daughter, named Florence or otherwise. Writing in 1454, the author of the Chronicle of Vizcaya, Lope García de Salazar, points out: 'E porque estas fijas de don Juan Nuñes de Lara [Juana and Isabella] murieon sin fijos, fallescieron los señores de Vizcaya e de Lara e fincó el señorío de Vizcaya e de Lara en el rey don Pedro, que los tomó para sí'.

Bibliographic References:

Chronicle of Vizcaya, Lope García de Salazar; See also the genealogical table from ch. VII of Sr. Martin's edition of the Crónicas de Pedro López de Ayala (Barcelona, 1991)


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