Online Froissart

Sophie of Mechelen

Daughter of Floris Berthout, lord of Mechelen, who was married to Reginald II, count of Guelders in 1311. In Book III of the Chronicles Froissart seems to give her name erroneously as Mary. Sophie had several children from her husband, but only two are mentioned by Froissart: her elder daugher Mathilde, whom Froissart called ‘Isabella’ in Book III, was married to John II of Blois and claimed the duchy of Guelders after the death of her half-brothers; a younger daughter Marie, whom Froissart called ‘Jeanne’ in Book III, was married to William VI of Juliers and also claimed the duchy. Sophie died in 1329.

Bibliographic References:

Jean Baerten, ‘De handelsactiviteiten van Floris Berthout, heer van Mechelen (1310–1331): een mythe’, Handelingen van de Koninklijke kring voor oudheidkunde, letteren en kunst van Mechelen, 79 (1975), 24–25; Godfried Croenen, Familie en macht: de familie Berthout en de Brabantse adel (Leuven: Universitaire Pers Leuven, 2003), pp. 375–77, no. 55.


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