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pb 259 v
It is certainly extraordinary that they chose a bastard for their king, but they found no stronger claim, for the Portuguese said, and still maintain, that the queen of Castile, my lady Beatriz, daughter of my lady Leonor da Cunha, is a bastard, and worse, for the reasons previously given, and as such will never be queen of Portugal, nor will any of her descendants. This is the same opinion the count of Foix expressed to his people when he had summoned them to Orthez, giving them a feast before they took their leave of him, for he was suitably informed of the affairs of Portugal and Castile, and said to them, "Lords, remain here. You have no business interfering in the conflict between Castile and Portugal because you know it to be true that neither the king of Portugal nor the queen of Castile, the daughter of king Fernando of Portugal, have any claim on the Portuguese crown. This war began through foolishness and evil, and something terrible might befall you and all those who meddle in it." His men had replied that since they had received and accepted pay from a lord such as king Juan of Castile, they would go to serve him. The count of Foix let them be for the time being, but most never returned, as you have previously heard. SHF 3-72 syncNow let us return to the affairs of Portugal, for they should not be neglected, owing to the great feats of arms and exploits which arose as a result, and in order to record and chronicle all of these events so that in future they may be found written down and documented, for it would be a terrible shame if they were lost.
It is because of clerks in former times who wrote down and recorded histories and books that details are known, for there is no memory better than the written word. I can honestly say to you, and wish those who will come after me to know, that to root out the truth of this history and accurately investigate everything that happened, I have taken great pains in my time, travelling through many countries and kingdoms to find things out. I have become acquainted with many valiant men and met with them face to face, as many from France as from England, Scotland, Castile, Portugal and from the other territories, duchies and counties who have become engaged, with their men, in these wars, with whom I have spoken and by whom I have been informed. And once I have embarked upon an inquiry I have never willingly neglected to ensure that the information is accurate and trustworthy, no matter the country to which it may relate. And because, while I was in Béarn with the noble count Gaston of Foix, I was informed of many events which had happened between Castile and Portugal, I returned to my country and to the place of my birth, to the county of Hainaut and the town of Valenciennes; having rested there a while, I felt strongly inclined to continue and work upon the history I had begun. For I considered that I could not continue impartially having only heard one side of the story from those espousing the view of the king of Castile. pb 260 r