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pb 263 r
The bishop was afraid of the king because of his haughty and formidable temperament, so did not dare to gainsay him. To please the king, Sir João Fernandes Andeiro, who was the king's counsellor and trusted friend, said to him, 'Bishop, you can very well do this. My lord will atone for everything at once.' The bishop married them and they were one. The lady was crowned and solemnised queen with the full assent of all the cities of Portugal and as magnificently and with as much reverence as any queen of Portugal has ever been. The king conceived a daughter with this lady, and she is presently - as you are aware my lord - queen of Castile. It is true that when he was alive, king Fernando summoned to Lisbon one day all of the prelates, nobles and the councils of the cities, ports, towns and lordships of the realm of Portugal (and this was done before my lord your brother, my lord of Cambridge, came to Portugal with his army) and made them all swear to recognise his daughter my lady Beatriz, who was then only five years old, and after his death to acknowledge her as the heiress of Portugal. All of them so swore, whether they wanted to or not, but the majority of those present were well aware that this girl was a bastard, born in adultery because my lady Leonor's husband, named Sir João Lourenço da Cunha, was still alive and residing in Castile with the king, and outlived king Fernando.
'On top of all that, I do believe, my lord,' said the knight who was speaking, 'that had the daughter been a son, the commonalty of Portugal would have been more inclined towards him, and more promptly than they have been or are ever likely to be, as they put it, because they would much rather die than be subjugated by the kingdom of Castile. The people of the kingdom of Portugal and those of Castile can never be perfectly at one since they are always harrying and harassing each other, as the Scottish harry and harass the country of England with all their might.'" SHF 3-80 syncWhereupon the duke of Lancaster asked the squire, whose tale he had heard with great pleasure, "Lourenço, at the time you are speaking of, where was the present king João who was brother to king Fernando?" "By my faith, my lord," replied the squire, "he was in Portugal living in a community of high-born men who bear an order of chivalry from overseas. There are at least two hundred noble men belonging to this order and they wear a white habit with a red cross. He was their leader and known as the grand master of Avis because the community and order in Portugal is called Avis. The king had given him this title, but thought nothing more of his brother; nor did the present king João concern himself with the affairs of Portugal or interfere in any way, nor think of the crown or the kingdom because, undoubtedly, if king Fernando of Portugal had had the slightest suspicion or inkling of what was going to come about, he loved my lady Leonor and my lady Beatriz, his daughter, so much that he would have imprisoned or put to death his brother, the grand master of Avis. pb 263 v