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pb 264 r
'Good people, I am well aware that with the best of intentions and because of the great affection you have for me, you are offering me the crown and kingdom of Portugal, which is a momentous thing. You declare, as do I, that I have the same or a stronger claim to them than does my niece the queen of Castile, the daughter of Leonor da Cunha, because in truth she is a bastard - her mother's husband is still alive and residing in Castile - but there is one issue: you cannot act on this affair and matter alone. The nobles of this realm, all or in part, must agree to it.' 'Aha!' replied the Lisbonners, 'we shall have enough of them, since we already know what is in the minds of many who have revealed their intentions to us, and of the three principal cities of this realm beside us, Evora, Coïmbra, and Porto.' The present king responded to this and said, 'Then so be it. My desires are the same as your own. You are aware that lady Leonor, who calls herself queen of this country, is still in this town, and with her she has her advisor Sir João Fernandes Andeiro, who wishes to safeguard the crown and inheritance of Portugal for the queen of Castile, and he will never depart from her side, for he arranged her marriage to the king of Castile and broke off her engagement to the son of the earl of Cambridge in order to forge a peace between Castile and Portugal. He has perhaps sent, or may yet send, a message to the king of Castile inviting him to come with all haste and with forces enough to combat and subdue all rebels. João Fernandes Andeiro has already had his part in this, as you know, and he will make his involvement yet more plain on the day of the funeral of my lord and brother the king, which will soon be performed in this town and which all of the noblemen in the land, or some of them, if they do not excuse themselves, will attend.
And so we must prepare ourselves and take counsel accordingly.' Those who were in the presence of the grand master of Avis said, 'What you have said does not come as a surprise, because we know full well that this is the case. We will prepare for that day according to what we hear João Fernandes Andeiro say, as you will see.' With that their meeting ended." SHF 3-82 sync"It was not long afterwards that the funeral of king Fernando of Portugal took place in Lisbon at the church of St Francis where he now lies. A great many noblemen of the kingdom of Portugal were present because they had been invited by the queen and by João Fernandes Andeiro who took care of the queen. The present king was there along with much of the population of the country, in particular from the three aforementioned cities of Coïmbra, Evora and Porto, since they were in agreement with the Lisbonners. When the funeral of king Fernando was over, João Fernandes Andeiro, on behalf of the queen, entreated the noblemen of Portugal who were present not to leave Lisbon that day or the next because he wished to speak with them, and also with the town representatives, and discuss how he should go about sending to Castile to king Juan and his wife, lady Beatriz their mistress, for she was legal heiress to the kingdom of Portugal. Most of the nobles who heard these words paid no attention to them. They were afraid of the people of the realm gathered there because they had already heard many of them murmuring that they wished to crown the grand master of Avis, and João Fernandes Andeiro had also heard it. pb 264 v