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pb 265 r
When they reached the Queen's Palace, they broke down the doors and entered by force. They came to the chamber of the lady who was terrified when she saw so many people bearing down on her in anger. She threw herself on her knees before the grand master of Avis and begged him with hands clasped together to have pity on her, because she believed she had done nothing wrong, and laid no claim to the crown and inheritance of Portugal, as everyone knew if they would only care to remember. 'I beg you, grand master of Avis, and all of these people here present, to remember that it was against my wishes that king Fernando gave me the rule and crown of Portugal by marrying me and making me queen of this country.' 'Lady,' replied the grand master of Avis, 'do not fear, because you will never come to any harm. We have not come to hurt or injure you, rather we have come for this traitor here, João Fernandes Andeiro. He must die at once, and then let the king of Castile avenge him if he can, because for too long he has been his agent in this country.' At these words the men who were charged to carry out the sentence advanced, taking the knight and immediately putting him to death. Nothing more was done at that time, no man attacked or killed; nor did they wish it. They simply returned to their lodgings, and the king to his own.
" SHF 3-83 sync"After the death of João Fernandes Andeiro, my lady Leonor who had been queen of Portugal, wished to leave Lisbon and go to Castile to the king and to her daughter. She had been so distraught over the demise of her knight that she had been on the point of death herself, and consequently no longer wished to remain in Portugal, for there was no peace or honour for her there. And so she sent a request in her name to the grand master of Avis in this regard. He granted it readily, saying that he was pleased for her to leave and that there was certainly good reason for her to do so. So the lady departed Lisbon and Portugal with her retinue and continued her journey until she reached the city of Seville where the king of Castile was residing at that time, and the queen too. When my lady Leonor arrived, she found almost all of the noblemen of Castile gathered there because there had been a great discussion about the Portuguese affair. King Juan of Castile was seeking counsel on how to act, declaring that the kingdom of Portugal had passed to him through succession from king Fernando, his wife's father, and that when he took her as his wife king Fernando had agreed to this, as had the entire country. My lady Leonor da Cunha was warmly received by the king and her daughter, and rightly so. She was then asked and questioned about events and matters in Portugal. She answered them with everything she had seen and with what she knew, that it was apparent that the commonalty of the country of Portugal would crown as their king, if they encountered no resistance, the grand master of Avis, and that for that same reason they had already murdered her knight, João Fernandes Andeiro because he supported, and always had, the king of Castile's cause. pb 265 v