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showing 1 to 4 of 4 results.

1. Besançon 865 (223 v) 3-22 [ name: institution ]

le dist a son mari: Monseigneur, je n’aray jamais santé jusques a ce que j’aye esté en pelerinage a Saint Jaques. Donnéz moy congié d’y aler, et que je y porte Pierre mon filz et Andriene ma fille, je le vous req

2. Translation of Book III (210 v) 3-9 [ name: institution ]

and masters of Lande de Bourg. No one could travel through these parts, save for pilgrims going to Santiago, however strong he might be, without being captured, killed or ransomed. There was another strongho

3. Translation of Book III (223 v) 3-22 [ name: institution ]

ay she said to her husband, "My lord, I will not regain my health until I have made a pilgrimage to Santiago. Give me leave to go, and I ask you to allow me to take with me my son Pierre and my daughter Andri

4. Prospography Content: St James (institution)

St James