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showing 1 to 7 of 7 results.

1. Besançon 865 (263 v) 3-81 [ rs: institution ]

Casteloings. Et lorsque le roy Ferrant fu mort qui fu ensepulturéz en l’eglise de Saint François religieux en la cité de Lusebonne, les citéz et bonnes villes et chasteaulx du royaume de Portingal se cloïrent, et fu mandé a Lusebo

2. Besançon 865 (263 v) 3-81 [ rs: institution ]

le roy Ferrant fu mort qui fu ensepulturéz en l’eglise de Saint François freres religieux en la cité de Lusebonne, les citéz et bonnes villes et chasteaulx du royaume de Portingal se cloïrent, et fu mandé a Lusebo

3. Besançon 865 (264 r) 3-82 [ rs: institution ]

Ne demoura gueres longuement que on fist l’obit du roy Ferrant de Portingal a Lusebonne en l’eglise de Saint François, la ou il gist. Et la furent grant foison des nobles du royaume de Portingal, car ilz en estoient p

4. Besançon 865 (264 v) 3-82 [ rs: institution ]

a soustenir son opinion, mais tous li faillirent, et sitrestost comme on ot fait l’obit du roy en l’eglise des Freres de saint François et que la royne Alienor fu retournee au palais, que non dist: Aux che

5. Translation of Book III (263 v) 3-81 [ rs: institution ]

dominated or subjugated by the Castilians.' And when king Fernando had died and been buried in the church of St Francis by the brothers there in the city of Lisbon, the cities, towns and castles of the kingdom of Portug

6. Translation of Book III (264 r) 3-82 [ rs: institution ]

t was not long afterwards that the funeral of king Fernando of Portugal took place in Lisbon at the church of St Francis where he now lies. A great many noblemen of the kingdom of Portugal were present because they had b

7. Prospography Content: Church of St Francis (institution)

Church of St Francis