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showing 1 to 3 of 3 results.

1. Brussels II 2551 ([30] v) 1-80 [ rs: institution ]

Comment l’abbé de Honnecourt deffendit moult vaillanment son eglise et s’i osta son glaive a monseigneur Henri de Flandres et l’eust mis enz et conquis se il n’eust e

2. Prospography Content: Honnecourt-sur-Escaut (institution)

Honnecourt-sur-Escaut See also abbey of St.-Pierre, inhabitants of Honnecourt-sur-Escaut. Thiérache

3. Prospography Content: Abbey of St.-Pierre in Honnecourt (institution)

Abbey of St.-Pierre in Honnecourt Benedictine abbey in Honnecourt-sur-Escaut. Founded in 691. See also abbot of Honnecourt. Le Glay, Cameracum Christianum ou histoire ecclésiastique du diocèse de Cambrai (Cambrai: L. Lefort, 1849), p. 160–4.