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showing 1 to 5 of 5 results.

1. Besançon 865 (21 v) 2-119 [ rs: person ]

ance et a sa deffense, estoit le duc des Mons, sa banniere devant lui. En sa compaignie estoient le sire de Brederode, messire Guillaume Joye, messire Thierry de la Naire, messire Winans de Chupe

2. Translation of Book II (21 v) 2-119 [ rs: person ]

The guards at the gates related all of this to the knight of the watch, a knight from Holland named Sir Thierri de Brederode. Once he had been informed, he was on his guard and had the castle alerted and all of the quarters

3. Translation of Book II (21 v) 2-119 [ rs: person ]

ervice and for his protection, was the duke of Mons, his banner before him. In his company were the lord of Brederode, Sir Guillaume Snoy, Sir Thierry de Wassenaer, Sir Winans de Clinperoie, and many others, and each

4. Prospography Content: Dirk of Brederode (person)

Dirk of Brederode Dirk of Brederode, son of Dirk of Brederode and Beatrix of Valkenburg.

5. Leiden VGGF 9 (vol. 2) (26 v) 2-119 [ rs: person ]

enance et a sa deffense estoit ly dus des Mons, sa baniere devant luy. En sa compaignie estoient ly sires de Brederode, messires Guillaumes Joie, messires Thieris de le Naire, messire Winans de Clinperoie et pluiseurs