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1. Besançon 865 (182 v) 2-458 [ rs: person ]

Et si leur estoit venu a ceulx de Namur par partaige de freres. Car le conte Guy de Flandres et le conte Jehans de Namur avoient esté deux freres, sy en amoit mieulx la terre messire Guillaume de Namur. Non

2. Valenciennes 638 (27 r) 1V-42 [ rs: person ]

d’Artois, qui mis y avoit grant painne a cel couronnement, le duc de Loraine, le conte de Bar, le conte de Namur, le conte d’Auçoire, le duc de Bourbon, le sire de Couchy, le

3. Prospography Content: William I of Flanders, count of Namur (d. 1391) (person)

William I of Flanders, count of Namur (d. 1391) Born in 1324 as the fifth son of John I of Flanders, count of Namur, and Marie of Artois. He married Jeanne of Hainault, widow of Louis I of Châtillon, count of Blois,

4. Prospography Content: Robert of Namur (d. 1391) (person)

Robert of Namur (d. 1391) Born around 1325 as the sixth son of John I, count of Namur, and Marie of Artois. He was lord of Beaufort-sur-Meuse and Renaix. He followed the example of his

5. Prospography Content: John I of Flanders, count of Namur (d. 1330) (person)

John I of Flanders, count of Namur (d. 1330) He was born in October or November 1276 as the eldest son of Guy of Dampierre, count of Flanders, and his second wife, Isabel of Luxemburg. John was knighted in 1297. He became margrave (or count) of Namur in 1298. He married his second wife, Marie of Artois, in 1310 and had eleven children from her. He died in Paris in early 1330, probably on 31 January. For his sons, see John II, Guy II, Philip, William I, Robert, Louis. Jean Bovesse, ‘Jean Ier, comte de Namur (1276–1330). Notes biographiques’, Annales de la Société archéologique de Namur, 45 (1949–50), 1–66.

6. Prospography Content: Marie of Artois, countess of Namur (d. 1366) (person)

, countess of Namur (d. 1366) Daughter of Philip of Artois, lord of Conches. Second wife of John I of Flanders, count of Namur. Countess of Namur until her death in 1366. Ed. Bernays, ‘

7. Prospography Content: County of Namur (person)

ounty of Namur For the counts or margraves, see Guy of Dampierre, count 1268-1298; John I of Flanders, count 1298-1330, son of the previous count; John II, count 1330-1335, son of the previous count; G

8. Prospography Content: Count of Namur (person)

Count of Namur See also Guy of Dampierre, count 1268-1298; John I of Flanders, count 1298-1330, son of the previous count; John II, count 1330-1335, son of previous count; Guy I

9. Prospography Content: Louis of Namur (person)

. Louis of Namur Born in 1325 as the youngest son of John I of Flanders, count of Namur, and Marie of Artois. Lord of Petegem and Bailleul. He probably accompanied his elder brother Rober

10. Prospography Content: John II, count of Namur (d. 1335) (person)

John II, count of Namur (d. 1335) Eldest son of John I of Flanders, count of Namur, and Marie of Artois. He became count of Namur at his father’s death in 1330. He provided refuge fo