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1. Besançon 865 (205 r) 3-6 [ rs: person ]

France et le roy d’Angleterre, si comme il est cy dessus contenu en ceste histoire, ainsi comme le conte Guy de Saint Pol et messire Hue de Chastillon, maistre des arbalestriers pour le temps, saisirent et prindrent de fa

2. Paris ms. fr. 2663 (314 v) 1-601 [ rs: person ]

rement. ¶En ce temps en France estoit venuz messire Guy de Ligny, conte de Saint Pol, sans prendre congié aux Anglois et par grant soubtiveté, la matiere en seroit longue a deviser,

3. Prospography Content: Waleran III de Luxemburg, count of Saint-Pol (d. 1415) (person)

Waleran III de Luxemburg (1355 - 1415; killed at Agincourt), count of Saint Pol; son of Guy de Luxemburg, count of Ligny, and Mahaut de Châtillon, countess of Saint Pol. He married firstly Maud Holland, daughter of Thoma

4. Prospography Content: Guy of Luxemburg, count of Ligny (d. 1371) (person)

Guy of Luxemburg, count of Ligny (d. 1371) Guy of Luxemburg, count of Saint-Pol, who was in 1369 the king's lieutenant in Picardy.

5. Prospography Content: Mahaut of Châtillon, countess of Saint-Pol (d. 1372) (person)

ol. When her elder brother Guy IV died in 1360, she became heir to the county of Saint-Pol. Wife of Guy of Luxemburg, count of Ligny, to whom she transmitted the county of Saint-Pol. Cornwall

6. Prospography Content: Guy IV of Châtillon, count of Saint-Pol (d. 1360) (person)

died in 1360. The county of Saint-Pol was then transmitted to his sister Mahaut, who was married to Guy of Luxemburg, count of Ligny. Laurence Hastings, twelfth earl of Pembroke (d. 1348)

7. Besançon 864 (288 v) 1-601 [ rs: person ]

faire tout meurement. ¶ En ce temps estoit venuz en France messire Guy de Ligny, conte de Saint Pol, sans prendre congié aux Anglois et par grant soubtillité; la matiere en seroit trop longue a devi

8. Besançon 864 (288 v) 1-601 [ rs: person ]

par grant soubtillité; la matiere en seroit trop longue a deviser, je m’en passeray briefment. Le conte heoit tant les Anglois qu’il n’en pouoit nul bien dire, et rendoit grant peine que le roy de Franc

9. Besançon 864 (288 v) 1-601 [ rs: person ]

e le prince estoit appelléz en parlement ce seroit ung grant mouvement de guerre. A l’oppinion du conte de Saint Pol estoient descenduz plusieurs prelas, contes, barons et chevaliers du royaulme de France, et disoie